- Congratulations to Anna for qualifying to attend the Darling Downs Zone Swimming Trials on Wednesday – All the best!
- P&C AGM this afternoon in the Community Centre @ 3.15p.m. – All parents welcome!
- Mrs Trenaman, Mrs Kath and Miss McCosker are away this Tuesday at a PD – Mrs Shearer will be in the P/1 class tomorrow.
- Tuckshop Week this Thursday – Orders due 3.00p.m. Tuesday
- First Try Football starts this week to be run during the Wednesday mid-morning session
- Mayoral Morning Tea this Thursday for Mrs S and Captains, Libby & Lizzie
- Vision screening for Preps on Friday
Rule of the Week: Look after your belongings!
House Cup: McKenzie 8 Wirth 12
Star Kids: Rori : Faith : Dre-Sean
Check out our Facebook and Instagram pages, and our website for the newsletter, to keep informed about dates and events throughout the term.