Our school consists of a mix of older, traditional style buildings and modern classrooms and Resource Centre. The school also has two adventure playgrounds, a well maintained oval, a tennis court and a function hall (community room) which is used for specialist lessons, school functions, and for Monday morning parade if the weather is bad.
Car parking facilities are available outside of the school grounds in the dedicated parking areas. Please consider other people when collecting your children from school. Do not park in any gateways thereby preventing access for staff and emergency vehicles, and leave the disabled carpark for permitted vehicles.
Our library is located at the front of the school. All students have timetabled visits to the library each week where they are exposed to a wide range of authors and reading materials. They are encouraged to borrow each week and should have a library bag to safely transport their book.
Use of School Facilities
The school grounds and buildings are available for use by approved members of the community. Applications to use such facilities are made through the school office. The tennis court and lighting has been provided through the efforts of the Parents and Citizens Association with local money and State Government subsidies. This facility is available for hire by any members of the public, provided it is treated with care and respect. An agreement to hire facilities form must be completed before any hire arrangement can commence. These are available from the office.
Sporting organisations that wish to use this facility on a regular basis should book and pay for the court during office hours.
The Adventure Playgrounds should not be used outside of school hours as they could be dangerous if children are not properly supervised.
Upon entering the school grounds visitors are requested to report to the office to sign the Visitor’s Register, verifying that they are aware of the Student Protection Fact Sheet, Code of Conduct, Evacuation and Lock Down Procedures which are in the front of the register.